Saturday 9 July 2011


We are coming to the close of Tern II again for Esukuta Boma School. Classes have been good despite the challenges experinced during the last two terms.

we want to thank all our donors and partners for their unreserved efforts and assistance towards this great and noble task.

Five Pillars of Maasai Boma Schools Education Program
The Maasai Boma School education program is aimed at giving culturally Maasai, affordable, accessible, flexible and outstanding education to the Maasai girls and boys in the communities in Rombo Division in Loitokitok District.

There are two main needs of the school. These needs are mainly, buildings and teachers. We are struggling through parents, individual and corporate donors to provide books.

Esukuta Boma School building

Ksh 350,000 (US$ 4,120) will put a simple wooden structure with cement floor.

Educational Program Needs:
Ksh 60,000 (US$ 710) will help partially pay salaries one teacher for one year
Ksh. 300,000 (US $ 3,530) will provide a shared teachers house.

Emergency Feeding Program

There will be a need to feed 150 children in school between the month of September and December.

•    Ksh 60,000 (US $ 710) will feed 150 children (girls and boys) for one month
•    Ksh 180,000 (US $ 2130) will feed 150 children (girls and boys) for three months.
•    Parents will cook the food in shifts (This arrangement will be made by teachers and school committee), So, the above cost is only for food majorly, cereals maize and beans.

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